We work intensively with youth to teach and produce music, photography and film. Turning Tables builds production facilities and organizes performance events and festivals to provide excluded youth with the means to voice their travesties and visions of a better tomorrow in a non-violent manner. We create both individual empowerment and raise collective awareness, instigating change on community, national and international levels.
The films, music and events function as channels from where the youth can express themselves. We facilitate workshops and professional capacity to train and encourage the at-risk youth to develop critical thinking through youth-to-youth communication.
The purpose of our creative workshops is to enhance participants' skills, networking and self-confidence and reflection. The workshops are held in one of our mobile container studies, Turntable Labs, facilitating a creative free-space for the youths’ everyday lives. We always work in the local communities; the workshops always ensure that the youths’ products are presented to their own local communities.
Explore the below categories to see how we work in our different areas of expertise: